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Through our STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Math) program, we provide high-quality, hands on, and culturally relevant education opportunities for students grades K-9. 

Our programs are designed to address the whole child including their social and emotional well-being.

Students will explore the concepts and principles of biology, chemistry, and physics integrated with social studies.

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SEPT. 21 - NOV. 9, 2020
Preferred Headshot Teresa Robinson PhD.j

Theresa Y. Robinson, PhD

Meet Dr. Theresa Robinson, an associate professor of Secondary and Middle Grades Education at Elmhurst University. She has taught high school science in the Chicagoland area and currently prepares teachers to become licensed teachers grades 5-12.  She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Secondary Education from Southern Illinois University.

Headshot Ashley ODonnell math

Ashley O'Donnell, student

Meet Ashley O'Donnell, a senior at Elmhurst University studying to be a middle school math teacher. She loves to travel, and to be outdoors. She is excited about teaching the Math Games course because she thinks it will be a fun way to learn math concepts. She also thinks it will be a great way to connect with students and allow her to learn more about teaching using technology.

Prefered Headshot Oluwafunmilayo Ajayi.j

Funmi Ajayi, Director of

K-8 Mathematics

Meet Funmi Ajayi, the Director of

K-8 Mathematics for the Collaborative for Curriculum at the Niles Township Highschool District..  She has served Chicago Public Schools  as a Mathematics and Science teacher and as a K-6 Science Instructional Coach. She holds a Master of Arts in Education Administration from Governors State University.


To register your child for free, you are required to become a member. We appreciate your support!


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